Electronic Ask Yoda Star Wars Toy Review

Electronic Ask Yoda Star Wars Toy
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While shopping at midnight at the local Wal-Mart to get the first Episode II DVD there (at which I succeded!), I stumbled across this little guy while checking to see if there were any new figures. The first one had it's bettery ripped out (poor thing), so I grabbed the only other one. So I took it home and squeezed his hand a few times, then fell asleep. A perfect little reproduction of the wise master Yoda, has latex skin and cloth clothes. Sorta like those 8 balls that you shake for your future, you squeeze his hand and he'll explain what he does first. Then ask your yes or no question and squeeze him again. He'll answer either yes or no or something with no answer like "Feel the force all around you. Then clear the answer will become." A lot of fun, I asked him if the Oakland Raiders will win the Super Bowl. He answered "Hmmm... Strange and Disturbing your question is. Meditate on this I will." Yikes. So then I asked will the Green Bay Packers win. His answer was "Yes, I sense this is." Wooohoooooo. A very durable and fun toy (3 stars on education. Maybe he really can tell the future), you really have to get him. Now my story is done!

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Requires 3 AA batteries.

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